Tuesday, 04 February 2025

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Research publication during last one year

  1. Dr. Chaitra - “ Breif Review of Gnadhak Shodhana” – IJAPR Journal
  2. Dr. Ramya , Dr. Devakrishnana K - “A Clinical Study on effect of SNEHAHA NAISYA IN VISHWACHI” - IJAPR Journal
  3. Dr. Kusuma & Dr. Vidya - Trial drug samples of Thesis work . Preparation was subjected to Analytical studies at IISc- Material Research Department (XRD) and AFMM Department (ESMEDAX)
  4. Samples-1) KAreera – Raw drug
                   2) Bhasma - Final product
  5. Prof.Dr.R.Shylaja Kumari
    • Ph.D in Panchakarma "A Comparative study on Phalaghrita Administered as uttara Barti and orally in "VANDHYATWA
  6. Dr.AnuyaKulkarni
    • National Teacher's Training Programme in Kriya Sharir from 4th-6th March 2021 - Conducted by RAV and CCIM
    • NATIONAL WEBINAR ON kriya sharir MUHS 12 & 13 June 2021
    • Contributed as an author for the Multi-author Textbook on Kriya-Shareera which is to be published in 2021by Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Bangalore
    • Delivered speech as Guest speaker in Webinar on International day of Yoga conducted by Atreya Ayurveda medical college Bangalore
    • Completed multiple courses on clinical psychology and counselling therapy on different online platforms like Coursera and Udemy.
  7. Dr. Suratha Banrjee
    • Clinical study of kumkumadi taila nasya In yauvana pidaka w.s.r to Acne vulgaris.
  8. Dr. Tejashree
    • Clinical study to evaluate the effect of Nasya with Pathadi taila in pittaja kasa w.s.r to extrinsic asthma
  9. Dr. Surendra kumar
    • Therapeutic efficacy of katibasti and kati pichu of bala taila in Gridhrasi w.r.t Sciatica a comparative study
  10. Dr Ashvathy
    • Clinical study to ecaluate the effect of Tumbi taila Nasya in the management of kaphaja galaganda w.s.r to hypothyroidism.
  11. Dr. Lija Mohan
    • Clinical study to evaluate the effect of Veshavara upanaha sweda in jaanusandhigata vata w.s.r to De generative osteo arteritis.
  12. Dr. Rahul Debnath
    • A comparative clinical study of katibasti with chinchadi taila and Nirgundi taila in the management of Gridhrasi
  13. Dr. Pravalika K
    • A Clinical study to evaluate the effect of valuka sweda and jambeera pinda sweda followed by Nasya with mashadi yoga in the management of Manyastambha w.s.r to cervical spondylosis.
  14. Dr. Anushree J Shetty
    • A Clinical study to evaluate the effect of Amrutadi taila Anuvasana siddha bast in Amavata w.s.r to R. A
  15. Dr. Veena Y
    • A Clinical study to evaluate the effect of shigru patra kwatha nadi sweda and karanja patra nadi sweda in jaanusandhigata vata w.s.r to knee osteoarthritis.
  16. Dr. Juhi kumari
    • A Comparative clinical study to evaluate the effect of Dashamoola kwatha Nasya and Dashamoola taila Nasya in Manyastambha w.s.r to Cervical Spondylosis.
  17. Dr. Vani Panchamukhi
    • A comparative clinical study to evaluate the effect of Guggulu tiktaka ghrta Matrabasti and Brhat saindhavadi tila matrabasti in gridhrasi with special reference to Sciatica.
  18. Dr. Simran Arora
    • A Clinical study to evaluate the efficacy of Dhanyamla dhara on jaanu in patients of jannusandhivata w.s.r to Osteoarthritis of Knee joint.
  19. Dr. Ramya V R
    • Clinical study to evaluate the effect of Nasya karma with Shuddha bala taila in Vishwachi w.s.r to cervical spondylosis.
  20. Dr. N. Harita
    • A Comparative clinical study to evaluate the efficacy of Matrabasti and Katibasti with Dhanwantaram taila in the management of Gridhrasi w.s.r to Sciatica.
  21. Dr. Lakshmi K
    • A Clinical study to evaluate the efficacy of Nasya Karma with Dashamooladi Kwatha yoga in the management of ardhavabhedaka w.s.r. to Migraine.
  22. Dr. Lakshmi K
    • A Clinical study to evaluate the efficacy of siddha basti in Amavata w.s.r to Rheumatoid arthritis.
  23. Dr. Renuka Devi
    • Clinical study to evaluate the efficacy of Vacha haridradi gana Udvartana in sthoulya w.s.r to Obesity.
  24. Dr. H Shahed Ahmed
    • A Comparative clinical study of Nasya and Nasapana with prasarini taila in the management of Manyastambha w.s.r to Cervical Spondylosis.
  25. Dr. Vinaya Prakash
    • A Clinical study to compare the effect of Jeerakadi grita & pippali grita in management of Urdwagata amlapitha.
  26. Dr. Jeenu Ann Benny
    • A comparative clinical study to evaluate added effect of eranda taila & panchamoola kashaya in pain management of Gridhrasi vis-à-vis sciatica.
  27. Dr. Akshata
    • A Comparative clinical study to evaluate the effect of vasadi kwatha & triphala kwatha in management of Vataja pandu vis-à-vis Iron Deficiency anemia.
  28. Dr. Anusha soppimath
    • A three arm clinical study to evaluate individual & Combined effect of Nyagrodhadi churna & Asanadi kashaya in management of madhumeha vis-à-vis type 2 Diabetic Mellitus.
  29. Dr. Tejaswini L N
    • An open label double arm randomized comparative clinical study on efficacy of combination of Dhatura Dhoomapana & Krishnadi churna & Combination of Dhatura dhooma & haridradi churna in tamaka swasa vis-à-vis Bronchial asthma.
  30. Dr. Rashmi G
    • A Comparative Clinical study on efficacy of krimignadhi kashaya & sthoulyahara kashaya along in pathya & Apathya in Sthoulya vis-à-vis Obesity.
  31. Dr. Chetana N Oda
    • Comparative pharmaceutical analytical study of Suryavarta rasa prepared by two different references and its antimicrobial property W.S.R to respiratory pathogens.
  32. Dr. Madhuri Koralli
    • Pharmaceutico analytical study of vibhitaki arka and its antimicrobial activity.
  33. Dr. Uma G
    • Pharmaceutico – Analytical study of laghu lokeshwara rasa and experimental evalution for its divretic and anti- bacterial activity.
  34. Dr. Vinu V J
    • Pharmaceutico – analytical study of Kanji- Shatpala gritha and on experimental evolution of its anti- rheumatic activity on Sprague dowley rats.
  35. Dr. Krishnapriya Vadigepali
    • A comparative Pharmaceutico analytical standardization of panchgavya gritha.
  36. Dr. S Madhmithaa
    • A Pharmaceutico analytical study of Raala Malahara and experimental evolution of its wound healing activity.
  37. Dr. Sahana M
    • A Pharmaceutico analytical study of arka manashila taila and its antimicrobial activity.
  38. Dr. Subrata Modak
    • A Comparative Pharmaceutico analytical study of trikatu churna and Trikatu arka.
  39. Dr. Vivek S U
    • A Pharmaceutico analytical study of shoditha gandhaka and antimicrobial aerobic property of gandhaka doopana
  40. Dr. Shwetha Shukla
    • A comparative clinical study to evaluate the efficiency of Nalikara Pushpa churna and yavuksharadi yoga in management of mutrasarkara W.S S granules of urinary tract.
  41. Dr.Chennaveerayya
    • A clinical study to evaluate the efficiency of ksharasutra prepared out of kashara and yavakshara in management of bhagandara W.S.S fistula in ano.
  42. Dr.Ranjan Kumar
    • A comparative clinical study to evaluate the efficiency of raktamokshana using modified shringa with jaloukavacharana in management of vranashotha W.S.R to inflammatory swellings.
  43. Dr.SayyadSunderlal
    • Comparative clinical study to evaluate the efficiency of durvadigrthu and shatadhota ghritha in management of parikartika W.S.R to anal fissure.
  44. Dr. M Nanda Kishore
    • A Comparative clinical study to evaluate the efficiency of Haridrakalka satrpadeghritha and jatgadhiahrita in the management of Shuddla W.S.R vrana.
  45. Dr.Anusha K
    • A Comparative clinical study to evaluate the management of Dushtavrana with kasisadighrita and jutyadighrita after Jaloukavacharana.
  46. Dr. Vidya.K
    • A comparative clinical study to evaluate the effect of kiratatikta Kashaya and panchavalkala Kashaya Dhavana in the management of Dustavrana.
  47. Dr.SanjayTikadar
    • A Comparative clinical study prafundarikadi ghritalepa and shataduta ghritalepa in the management of parikartika W.S.R Fissure in Ano.
  48. Dr. Dhanajay S Yadav
    • A Comparative clinical study on the effect of Aushadhi siddha Takrapana and Dhanwantaram Gritha pana in the management of TamakaSwasa W.S.R Bronchial Asthma.
  49. Dr. Shreya G Shetty
    • A clinical study to evaluate combined effect of Dadimashtaka churna &palashadi Paniyam in treatment of Grahani.
  50. Dr. Deepak-
    • A comparative clinical study on the effect of VasadiDashanga kwatha & phalatrikadi kwatha in the management of Amlapitha W.S.R Acid Peptic Disease.
  51. Dr.Anamika Dubey
    • A comparative clinical study to evaluate efficiency of JambuBeeja churna &Nishakathakadi churna in Prameha W.S.R Diabetes mellitus.
  52. Dr.Ashish Chand
    • A comparative clinical study on the effect of Dhatriloha & Dadimadi ghrita in management of pandu W.S.R Iron defiency Anemia.
  53. Dr.Vinay Deep Singh Guleria
    • Effect of Dadru vidravana malhara yoga & shuddha Gandhaka on Dadru W.S.R fungal dermatophytes a comparative clinical study.
  54. Dr.ShruthiShivarama
    • An open label case controlled clinical study to evaluate efficiency of swadamshtra Taila in management of JanuSandhivata W.S.R OA of knee joint.
  55. Dr.Amarjeet pal
    • A comparative clinical study on effect of sauvarchaladi churna &satyadi churna in management of Tamaka swasa W.S.R Bronchial Asthma.
  56. Dr.Kavitha C M
    • A comparative study to evaluate efficiency of shamana sneha &shaman sneha in shadanga gugulu in Janusandhivata W.S.R OA knee joint.
  57. Dr. Amruta D Patil
    • A comparative clinical study on Hingwadi churna &panchanimbadi churna in management of Amlapitha W.S.R Gastritis.
  58. Dr. Ankushpaul
    • A comparative clinical study on efficiency of Vatankuradi lepa & lodhradi lepa in mukhadushika W.S.R Acne vulgaris.
  59. Dr.B.R Narahari
    • A comparative study to evaluate efficiency of yastimadhu moola churna &yastimadhu moola churna with madhu on Pandhu W.S.R iron Deficiency Anemia.
  60. Dr. Pallavi
    • A comparative clinical study on effect of Shatyadi churna & Krishnadya churna in management of Tamakaswarsa W.S.R Bronchial Asthma.
  61. Dr.MuhammedNizamudheen C H
    • A comparative clinical study to assses efficiency of Karimbirumbadi kashaya& Vasaguluchyadi kasshaya in Pandu W.S.R Iron Deficiency Anemia in Reproduction age group of women.
  62. Dr.Prathibha R
    • A comparative clinical study on effect of Shephalikakulatha & BrihatPanchamulakwatha in management of Gridhrasi vis-à-vis Sciatica.
  63. Dr. FaheemAhmed
    • A comparative experimental evaluation of nimba azadirachat indica A. Juss And Mahanimb amelia Azadirach L and there krimighna ANTI FUNGAL ACTIVITY WAS TO CANDIDA ALBICANS- INVTRO STUDY
  64. DrPrathibhaArun
    • An Experimental evaluation of harithamanjari Acalphaindica For Mutrala activity w.s.r To diuretic activity –A folklore claim.
  65. Dr.Rajath Sinha
    • A preliminary phytochemical and pharmacological study of haridra Curcuma longa linn for its anti- microbial activity with special. Reference to E. coli.
  66. Dr. Vikramsinh Solanki
    • A comparative Experimental evaluation of diuretic activity of brihat gokshura pedalium murex linn And laghu gokshura tribulus terrestrislinn.
  67. Dr. Paranav Joshi
    • “An in vitro study of haridra curcuma longa linn powder Water Extract Alcohol Extract krimighna antibacterial activity with special reference to staphylococcus aureus and amp ; Streptococcus pyogenes –A comparative study”
  68. Dr. Vidya R
    • Phytochemical and amp; pharmacognostic analysis of drug priyangu for shonitasthapana karma w.s.r Haemogram – An experimental study.
  69. Dr. Chethan Kumar A. T
    • “ Analysis on Methika trigonella foenum- graecum Linn. Collected from Different Desha – A Comparative study”
  70. Dr. Abhiram L
    • An experimental study of anti nociceptive activity of karpasabeeja gossypium herbaceum
  71. Dr. SavithaBykodi
    • “Evaluvation of jalapippali Phyla nodiflora l. greene For krimigna Activity- an in vitro study W. S. R to staphylococcus Aureus”
  72. Dr. Shiva Agrawal
    • “Pharmacognostic and analytical study of nagakeshar churna Mesuaferrea and its clinical effect with takra in shwetapradara”
  73. Dr. AmareshayyaHosamata
    • “Efficacy of haritamanjari Acalypha Indica. Linn SWARASA in NASA Prathinaha W.S.R Inferior hypertrophied terbinates – A folklore claim”
  74. Dr. Apoorva R
    • Evaluation of Hamsapadadi Adiantum lunulatum burm. For atisarahara karma war to anti- Diarrheal Activity –An Experimental Study
  75. Dr. Meghashree H S
    • In-Vitro study of Anti Senescence activity of Mandukaparni (Centellaasiatica) Extract on human Dental pulp stem cells with Special reference to upakusa
  76. Dr. Shreyas T. R
    • Evaluation of Jatipravala (Jasminumgrandiflorum L) for its Kustagna activity W.S.R To Acne Vulgaris –anin Vitro Study”




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